Feasible - (adj.) practicable ![]() Technology is really "in". The prevalence of high-edge gadgets in the world is really unstoppable.From i-phones, super-duper-portable laptops, cool mp5's, playstation and a lot more As I was sitting in a food nook near San Pedro Lachmi street, I remember those days wherein I've been craving for a camera phone. I really wanted to have that gadget before since it offers portability and of course, a "techy-aura". Pinoy are really hooked up in texting and capturing pictures at once.It was just last year wherein I got the chance to own a camera phone. A year went by, and here I am realizing what "practicality" means. The span of time I spent manipulating my camera phone made me realize that, happiness just ends there. I mean, the moment you already have that material possession, there will come this focal point wherein you start again to search for the simplicity of life. You'll start thinking that simplicity will be more preferred and that's where true satisfaction starts to exist. I guess, for humans to be able to learn more from life, must first need to gain all the things that they've been craving for.For them to see, feel and realize that true satisfaction cannot be found there. And that there's no real happiness in those silly stuffs. It's really ok to be "in". But if you'll ask me, I would really prefer the naive way of life. I actually just went to a cellphone store this day and bought a cellphone casing for the 1100 unit(a no-camera unit) I've bought from my friend at the cheap amount of P500.00. I was really eager to buy it because I've decided to sell my camera phone. For practicality.And simplicity. Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Perplexity - (n.) mental agitation; confused state ![]() Weeks before 2nd semester was about to start, I had this feeling of excitement. Excitement which draws me nearer at aiming good, perhaps really better grades for the new sem.Our 2nd sem actually started last October 27, a way earlier than other college universities.I never went to school during the 1st week of the opening of classes, for i know that professors are quite unsure on starting the class discussions. The 2nd week came, and i found myself gettin' so busy at school.Photocopying the needed resources for our class discussions (which causes a sudden decaying movement in my allowance hehe) and reading the needed informations for my first ever report about finance. That week gave me a rushing blast of energy-consuming-period which apparently caused chaos in my time management schedule. And here i am, i found myself quite confused about the going-ons of my life.It seems like i get so tired of everything. Adding up the instance that my father and I are not in good terms due to "coming home late on weekdays". Those past weeks gave me confusions.And up to now, I'm really thinking of ways to change.I want to be alone for a while and care for nobody else, care for nothing, but ONLY to my own self. I've been craving for a peace of mind and privacy cause I really need clarity.Clarity which will really help me to define "myself". |
![]() ☺bLithe☺ "it's the good girls who keep diaries, the bad girls never have the time." the sites. facebook| friendster| imeem| yahoo| google| askjeeves| youtube| twitter| blogspot| photobucket| peoplestring| blogskins| limewire| mp3-codes| IMUXIC| peyups| multiply| wmnQtv| disney 8/1/07 - 9/1/07 9/1/07 - 10/1/07 11/1/07 - 12/1/07 4/1/08 - 5/1/08 11/1/08 - 12/1/08 1/1/09 - 2/1/09 3/1/09 - 4/1/09 6/1/09 - 7/1/09 7/1/09 - 8/1/09 8/1/09 - 9/1/09 9/1/09 - 10/1/09 10/1/09 - 11/1/09 11/1/09 - 12/1/09 12/1/09 - 1/1/10 2/1/10 - 3/1/10 3/1/10 - 4/1/10 8/1/10 - 9/1/10 9/1/10 - 10/1/10 imeem . <1 song Playing ☺ crazy for this girl by EVAN AND JARON Designer : + Lotz + x o x o |